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Growing organic coffee

Encouraging coffee farmers on continual improvement in coffee quality 

Coffee Huller

Utilizing the dry processing method of hulling and grading machine with a capacity of 1200 kg per hour.

Graded Coffee

Dry coffee beans are sorted according to their size, each size having its particular market

Coffee Roaster

Applying a large amount of heat to bring the raw coffee up to roasting temperatures then reducing the temperature to low roasting temperature

High-quality Roasted Coffee

We focus on higher-quality beans that are roasted in small batches

High-quality Roasted Coffee

We focus on higher-quality beans that are roasted in small batches

About us

Opportunity Mannya Transformation Services Limited (Trading as Mannya Coffee) is a rural-based entity located at Mannya in Kifamba Sub-county, Rakai District. It has been formed to empower small-holder coffee farmers…. Read More

Our Mission

To empower coffee farmers to increase their household income by obtaining just recompense for their coffee and their labour through modern and improved growing and marketing techniques.

Our Vision

To ensure coffee farmers receive better prices for their coffee for their sustainable livelihoods, customer satisfaction and transformation of society.

Why we do it


Producing organic coffee

The demand and the popularity of organic products has increased which enables us to grow organic coffee which attracts premium prices.

Quality assurance practices

We train our farmers to comply with the best coffee production practices.

Market Coffee through our company

We not only ensure a steady supply of high-quality coffee with value addition but also guarantee procurement of coffee produced by our farmers.

Our Coffee

Our Robusta coffee is 100%  premium quality.

If you like what we do and want to know more

Red cherry Coffee
Graded Green beans
Roasted coffee

 our videos

Welcome to Mannya Coffee’s video gallery!
We’re thrilled to share our journey with you through captivating videos. Join us as we take you back to the monumental launch of our Factory in 2019, providing a glimpse into the heart of our operations with an exclusive inside tour. And for all you coffee enthusiasts, get ready to be mesmerized by the intricate art of coffee roasting. Let’s embark on this caffeinated adventure together! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

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If you had an awesome experience, we would love to hear about it.
Not only does it make us feel good, but it goes a long way with our potential future clients.

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